Meet Dia Mirza | Anita’s Journal
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Meet Dia Mirza

We had the pleasure of talking to Dia Mirza, who, is an award-winning Actor, Producer, UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador, UNEP Ambassador & United Nations Secretary-General Advocate for Sustainable Development Goals, gives her a unique perspective on sustainable living.

On Sustainability:
Sustainability to me is living with the understanding that all that we consume comes from nature and the only way we can hope to achieve ecological balance is to consume with this understanding. Responsible consumption and production needs the understanding that the only way we progress as people and planet in order to reduce inequalities we must restore ecological balance.

On Consumption and Waste:
“Everything you use and throw, think of where its coming from and where it’s going to go.” This is a line we encourage children to learn and remember. Because we live in a world that encourages consumption. Start with something as simple as segregation of waste at home. Start composting kitchen waste. Become more mindful of all the things we consume everyday. Opting for a plant based diet, refusing single use plastics… the list grows as our awareness does 🙂 I truly believe, every citizen/consumer has the opportunity to change the way the world works today for a better tomorrow.


This Earth Month 2020, we will be lending our page to Green Heroes who have made impressive strides in generating interest and awareness on sustainable living.