I’ve spent a long week on the road over with my design team, travelling to the heart of Indian villages. In our attempt to discover the heirloom traditions from the most remote villages of India, we not only unearthed aesthetic treasures, but also stories of people, and a way of life so simple & sustainable, it has begun to seem to me like the best way to live.
While I struggle to put down words, here are a few pictures from my travels.
Travel companions en route a remote village located on the sand dunes of Thaar desert, Rajasthan.
Houses (called dhanis) are made of cowdung and mud with thatched roofs. This combination insulates during hot summers and cold winters.
Tea & stories 🙂
Special occasions call for special treats! And they come from the sangri tree, one amongst the few trees that grow in this arid desert.
Life in the desert- goats and sheep that provide milk & wool, and the sangri tree which provides fruits, leaves for fodder and firewood.
Their physical possessions are few but their uses are many. Life-cycles are extended by decades as they assume new uses and utilities. Recycled fabric makes for cots, strung onto the bedframes using cords, fashioned out of old torn clothes.
Utterly fascinated by the intricate headpieces donned by the women. The headpiece keeps their hair clean for days, despite the lack of water.
Mani Devi, our host.
It’s scorching hot here, and water is short in supply. Bowls hanging from trees are filled with water for thirsty birds 🙂 A picture of true humanity!
Learning from each other and sharing stories.
Meero Devi, bringing this pattern to life with her spectacular hand-craft. So much joy is coming this winter!
This was my last travel to craft villages with my son, Yash, before he left to start up on our New York store. In this picture, we’re discussing the many facets of Indian craft. This trip was special for both of us, as we came back from it with a reinforced sense of purpose. The need to revive our craft history dawned upon us once again, as we spent so much time with the talented artisans, living their lives and learning their stories.